1. Journal
The Centre publishes a research journal, Alamdar and a news-letter Noor. Alamdar is enlisted in the UGC-CARE LIST.
2. Post-doctoral Fellowship
- Dr. Saltanat Farooq has secured Post-doctoral Fellowship sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research.
- Dr Sabreen Javid (Alumni) has secured Post-doctoral Fellowship sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research.
3. Seminars & Symposia
- Centre for Shaikh-ul Aalam Studies organized a One Day National Seminar titled, “Reshi- Sufi Traditions of Kashmir” on 22-10-2020 at the Gandhi Bhawan, University of Kashmir, Srinagar. Hon‟ble Lt. Governor of J&K and Chancellor, University of Kashmir, Shri Manoj Sinha was the Chief Guest on the occasion.
- Centre for Shaikh-ul Aalam Studies in collaboration with Aab-e-Rawan, Srinagar organised an event, “Mehboob-ul Aalam (RA) Awards” on 18- 10-2021 held in the Seminar Hall of the Centre.
- J&K Higher Education Department and University of Kashmir in collaboration with Centre for Shaikh-ul Aalam Studies organised a day-long programme on 24-10- 2021 at the Gandhi Bhawan, as part of activities associated with the Iconic Week that celebrated the Sufi traditions and culture of Kashmir. The programme included an academic seminar on Shaikh-ul Aalam titled, “Shaikh-ul Aalam (RA) as an Embodiment of Kashmir’s Syncretic Culture” followed by the recitation of “Kalam-i-Shaikh-ul Aalam” and a “Mehfil Sufiyana” in the latter half of the day.
- Centre for Shaikh-ul Aalam Studies organized a Two- Day National Seminar titled, “Kashmir and Central Asia: Common Mystic Heritage” held on 16-11-2021 & 17-11-2021 at the Seminar Hall of the Centre.
- Shaikh-ul Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies (SACMS), University of Kashmir, Srinagar in collaboration with Ibn Arabi Society, Kashmir organised a five-day Research Methodology Workshop focusing on Humanities and the Social Sciences from 18-22 January, 2022.
- Shaikh-ul Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies (SACMS), University of Kashmir, Srinagar in collaboration with India Scanner News Network Pvt. Ltd and Jazzbaat 24, organised an event titled: “Save Dal Lake: Mission Impossible!!!” on 10th February 2022 in the Seminar Hall of the Centre.
- Shaikh-ul Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies (SACMS), University of Kashmir organised a one day International Conference titled, “Texts, Shrines and Sufis: Reading Islam in South Asia” on 22 February 2022. The Conference was held in the Seminar Hall of the Centre.
- A Book Release event organised by Markaz-i Noor, Shaikh-ul Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies (SACMS), University of Kashmir, Srinagar in collaboration with Aab-e Rawan and Sultania Book Depot, Srinagar was held on 7th March, 2022 in the seminar Hall of the Centre. The book authored by Senior Lecturer, Mr. Abdul Salam Dar titled, “Surag-e-Zindagi” is focused on identifying the real truth and meaning of life through the practice of Tasawwuf.
- A Book Release event organised by Minhaj-ul-Quran International India in collaboration with Markaz-i Noor, Shaikh-ul Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies (SACMS), University of Kashmir, Srinagar was held on 24th March, 2022 in the seminar Hall of the Centre. The book “Irfan-ul Qur’an” which was released on the occasion, is a unique translation of the Holy Qur‟an in Kashmiri language.
- 11-Days Peace Education Program organised by The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF) in collaboration with Shah-i-Hamadan Institute of Islamic Studies and Shaikh-ul Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies, University of Kashmir from 17-03-2022 to 31-03-2022.
- Shaikh-ul Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies (SACMS), University of Kashmir in collaboration with Haqani Memorial Trust, J&K (India) and Sahitya Academi, New Delhi organised a One-Day long event on Mir Sayyid Aziz-ullah Haqani (Reh.A) on 19th May 2022 in the Seminar Hall of the Centre.
- Markaz-i Noor, Shaikh-ul Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies (SACMS), University of Kashmir commemorated Azadi Ka Amrit Mahaotsav by organizing a one-day event titled “Communal Harmony and Co-existence: A Sufi Perspective”. The event was held on 12th August, 2022 in the seminar hall of the Centre.
- Shaikh al-Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies (SACMS), University of Kashmir, oragnised a Two Day National Seminar titled “Analytical Study of Kalam-i Shaikh al-Alam (RA): Selected Poems” on 20-21st September, 2022.
- A four-day workshop titled, "Capacity Building for the Working Urdu Journalists of Kashmir Valley and Thereabouts," organised by National Council for the Promotion of Urdu Language and Dean. School of Arts, Languages, and Literature, University of Kashmir, was held at the Auditorium of the Centre from 11th to 14th September 2023.
- Shaikh-ul Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies (SACMS), University of Kashmir in collaboration with Karwani Shuraye Urdu organised an Urdu Mashayira. The event was held at the Auditorium of the Centre on 25th October 2023.
- Shaikh-ul Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies (SACMS), University of Kashmir, organised a One Day Seminar titled "Texts, Shrines and Sufis in Kashmir with special reference to Shaikh al-Ālam (RA)" held on 29th November, 2023, at the Auditorium Hall of the Centre.
- Shaikh-ul Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies (SACMS), University of Kashmir, organised a Two Day Multilingual International Seminar titled " Gender: An Interdisciplinary Perspective" on 6th and 7th December, 2023, at the Auditorium Hall of the Centre.
- Shaikh ul Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies (SACMS), in collaboration with National Council for the Promotion of Urdu Language and National Book Trust, organised a Mehfil Qawwali (Sufiyana Kalam), held at the Chinar Book Festival/Chinar Urdu Kitab Mela, on 20 Aug 2024 at SKICC, Srinagar
- Shaikh ul Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies (SACMS), in collaboration with National Council for the Promotion of Urdu Language and National Book Trust, organised an Urdu Afsana (short story) competition for school children, held at the Chinar Book Festival/ Chinar Urdu Kitab Mela , on 24 August 2024, venued at SKICC Srinagar
- Shaikh-Ul- Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies (SACMS) organised a One Day Workshop by Katha Manch encouraging the use of stories as pedagogigal tools on 27th August 2024, at the Committee Room of the Centre
- Shaikh-Ul- Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies (SACMS) organised a Two-Day Conference on "Religions, Texts and Spaces: A Multidisciplinary and Multilingual Perspective" held on 30-31st December 2024 at the Conference Room of the Centre.
4. Publications by the Scholars of the Centre
- Saltanat Farooq, Shamas Faqir and Wahab Khar:Kashmiri Sufi Poetry, Gulshan Books, Srinagar, 2022
- Dr. Muhammad Ilham Sheikh, Islam and Shaikh 'al-Alam: A Great Da"i, Sufi Saint and Poet of Kashmir, Educreation Publishing, 2019
- Nusrat Iqbal, Kaeshiri Naatuk Ibtidaa, Irtiqaa te Badlewen Asloob, Gulshan Books, 2015
5. Collaborations
The centre often collaborates with other National and State run centres and Institutions for the commencement of workshops & events. The list among others include
a. Sahitya Akedemi (Delhi).
b. ICSSR (Indian Council of Social Science and Research--New Delhi).
c. NCPUL (National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language)
d. Dept. of Higher Education.
e. Aab e Rawaan