
Shaikh ul Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies (SACMS) is an interdisciplinary centre, focused on enabling research from diverse disciplines and streams from humanities and social sciences.  The main objectives of the Centre are:

·         To explore the spiritual, linguistic, socio-religious and cultural aspects of our society.

·         To foster and nourish comparative studies in the areas like culture, literature, society and religion to bring forth the unique cultural and spiritual legacy of Kashmir, including that of the Rishi order and its progenitor, Shaikh Noor ud Din, to the audience across the globe.

The Centre enrolls students across the disciplines of social sciences and humanities, to undertake research on the aforementioned objectives. The Centre also publishes a multidisciplinary journal “The ‘Alamdar.” listed in the UGC-CARE list, seeking to promote critical scholarship across disciplines on topics of spirituality, linguistics, culture and other such topics. Through these endevours, the aim of the Centre is to promote a sense of intellectual tolerance, peace, interfaith harmony, and brotherhood.

Prof. Aadil Amin Kak